Positive changes are often noticed within two weeks, especially when the movements are done every day; however, every individual is different and responds in unique ways to the movements. Some experience profound, positive changes immediately. Others experience changes that are more gradual and subtle.
Often we start at 2 or 3 minutes a day and work up to about 15 minutes a day, which can be spread over 2 or 3 sessions a day if necessary.
While positive change can be seen in a short period of time, to further develop and reinforce the changes it is not unusual to follow the programme for a year or more.
We have found that the changes do last as long as the programme is followed for an adequate period of time.
We have found that it is. All RMT Providers are also certified in other modalities and will often combine their skills when working with you or your child.
RMTi™ is most effective when done in small amounts on a daily or near daily basis. If you cannot do RMTi™ on a regular daily schedule, it will still be beneficial, but may take much longer to achieve the desired results.
We often see a reduction in the rate of seizures for those doing the rhythmic movements consistently. However, there are many factors in our modern society that may contribute to brain inflammation and the prevalence of seizures. In the book Movements that Heal, Harald Blomberg, MD & Moira Dempsey wrote that seizures may be triggered by electromagnetic radiation, intolerance to gluten and dairy, accumulation of glutamate in the brain, and food additives such as monosodium glutamate and aspartame. Because movement has a stimulatory effect on the brain, if an individual is already influenced by one or more of these factors, he or she may be more likely to experience a seizure by doing movement.
For this reason, it is important that those with already known seizure disorders or other challenges, such as vestibular sensitivity, autism, and sensory-motor handicaps, begin doing Rhythmic Movements with close observation. In these cases RMTi™ should be done in small amounts, with very gradual increases in the amount of movement done at one time.
Be sure to tell your RMTi™ provider if you or your child has any of the above mentioned challenges. Your provider will recommend specific movements that are the most safe and gentle for your situation.
Kerstin Linde regularly worked with severely motor handicapped children with epilepsy. She found that with a sustained practice of the Rhythmic Movements, the seizures improved and in some cases completely disappeared.
Yes. However if there is an instability between the top two vertebrae we do not use any movements that move the head and neck.
As with all movement based programmes there can a number of short term physical and emotional responses as the body releases toxins and muscle tension. These include things such as nausea, coughing up mucus, flu-type symptoms, headaches, colds, diarrhea, fever and rashes.
On an emotional level there can be periods of defiance, anger, irritation, depression, nightmares, and clinging. Though this may be challenging, it is actually a good sign that emotional processing is occurring and the brain is maturing. This time is usually brief and passes as integration occurs. It is important that the movements be continued through this stage, though it may be helpful to reduce the amount of time the movements are done every day. It may also be helpful to gently do the movements at night for children who are sleeping. Please let your RMTi™ provider know if you have concerns or questions about physical or emotional responses to RMTi™.
A provider can help you with assessment and the learning of movements to do at home for you or your child. If you’d like to learn many movements at one time, experience and practice the movements during a two or three day course, and understand the theory behind the work, then taking a training course is the best option.
Your RMT Provider or Instructor can help you determine what will best meet your needs.
To become a recognised RMTi™ Provider you need to be a licensed or certified in a modality e.g. Brain Gym Instructor; Developmental Kinesiologist; Feldenkrais Practioner; Alexander Technique Practioner; Occupational Therapist; Physical Therapist; Physiotherapist; Montessori teacher; Steiner teacher; Medical Practitioner; Massage Therapist: Kinesiologist etc.
Become an RMTi™ Introduction to RMTi™ Instructor
To become a recognised Rhythmic Movement Training International™ (RMTi™) Instructor you need to have a background in development, movement, emotional or physical therapy. This includes, and is not limited to, being an Educational Kinesiology/Brain Gym® instructor; Montessori/Early Childhood teacher; Occupational Therapist (with Sensory Integration training); Physical Therapist/ physiotherapist; kinesiologist; licensed massage therapist; psychologist; chiropractor; medical practitioner; speech therapist; osteopath; etc.
(These requirements are current as at October 2012, and are subject to change)
To remain a Level 1 & 2 instructor you need to teach at least one RMTi™ Level One and Two class every three years. You are also expected to assist in an RMTi™ intensive at least once every three years; or attend or present update webinars.
If you don’t fulfill these requirements you will need to co-teach a level One and Two class with an observer faculty, to regain your instructor status.
It is expected that will keep up to date with current knowledge and understandings about the role of movement and learning in development, by reading; conference attendances; workshop attendance.
(These requirements are as at October 2012, and are subject to change)