RMTi is based on the work and contributions of Swedish selftaught movement therapist Kerstin Linde, Swedish psychiatrist Harald Blomberg and Australian educator and kinesiologist, Moira Dempsey. Dr Harald Blomberg, a Swedish psychiatrist, met Kerstin Linde in the mid-1980s and started to use the movements with his patients and found that they had profound effects. He also studied with other movement specialists. Moira Dempsey, an Australian Educational and Developmental kinesiologist became interested in the role of retained reflexes in learning and behavioural challenges in the mid 1990’s. Moira Dempsey met Dr. Blomberg in 2003 and started using the movements herself and with clients. She noticed remarkable results. In 2011 Harald and Moira released the RMT book Movements that Heal. The courses taught by Rhythmic Movement Training International (RMTi), founded by Moira Dempsey, combine the rhythmic movements with in-depth reflex integration techniques into an effective program that is taught world-wide by a growing network of certified trainers.
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