Course Title: Rhythmic Movement Training Level 1 (Focus, Organization and Comprehension)
Date: 31st August – 1st September 2013
Time: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Instructor: Phoebe Long
Venue: STEP Center for Child Development, Hong Kong
Photos of the day:
Feedbacks from the participants:
“这课程让我明白凡事都应循序接近。一个阶段未处理好是会影响下一个阶段的发展。课程当中的一起进行练习,互相体会及观察别人的姿态帮助我学习。我想与人分享原来Reflex是不会消失的,在我们身体长居的,但我们认识的一些这些原始反射时,便会懂得用恰当的运动去改善。” ~Tai Ngan Fung (Lilian)
“认识RMT 1 怎样帮助孩子提升专注力、情绪等。我想与人分享RMT 是另一种有效的运动能帮助ADHD 的儿童。我想RMT 可以帮助更多人。Phoebe是一位富有经验的讲者,轻松愉快的课程。” ~Ng King Yin
“这课程让我注意到自己正面的变化是了解自己身体的状况。我学多了一种新治疗。我要与他人分享原始动作对儿童发展是相当重要。” ~ 一级职业治疗师
“这课程让我明白如何帮助小朋友更专注;自己的协调可改善以减低一些因姿势不良以引致的痛症。课程中帮助我学习的部分是实践的动作及Phoebe 亲身让我们感觉力度。我想分享这课程能帮助孩子们控制情绪和行为问题。我希望未来的RMT 课程能够有中文翻译版本。讲师好有心去帮助学生明白课程内容。” ~Chan
“这课程让我注意到的是提升儿童的专注力及知道什么影响了他们的专注力。这课程达到我的期望,希望能与他们做RMT. 我想与人分享这课程可以提升专注力,情绪的舒缓及增加自信心。我对RMT未来的想法是多些家长接受及被推广。Phoebe 很友善,带领课程轻松、投入;她能让我们感受及领略技巧。” ~Cheng Wai Hung
“通过RMT 的课程,学到刺激脑干、小脑、基底神经的发展。从而透过这些动作,改善专注力和减少过动和冲动行为。透过学习各种的Reflexes ,各种的原始反射动作, 对人自然的反应及补偿行为的知识。我想告诉他人整个RMT的课程对幼儿有帮助外,也对不同的人也有帮助,令其整个人也能专注地学习及透过不同的动作,唤醒自己的脑皮层。本人更想学习多些动作来帮助调节肌张力,刺激大脑部分的连接,提升自己和幼儿失衡的问题。” ~ Cheung Yuk Tsui
“我发现这堂课带给我的正面改变是在别人协助下领略各动作的技巧。练习后,有明显的头晕感觉。我会与人分享从case study中,奇妙地见学童由头部、眼部在活动前后的改变。多谢讲者可以广东话表达,令我们易于理解(因知道是很吃力的)。” ~ Tang
“这课程让我学到很多简单的动作运动可以帮助自己及儿童。我会与人分享RMT是什么,可以帮助解决因反射动作引起的反应并配合一些运动协调及作出改善。我对RMT未来的想法是更普及化,让家长可从小就替儿童做训练,令儿童成长更全面。讲师给予清楚的解释,精彩的演绎及不停的鼓励。” ~ Lai Pil Yi Phyllis
“这课程让我对身体、反射、身体动作能力、协调等知识有所提升。这课程帮助我学习的过程是亲身体验,小组讨论及演示投影片。讲师非常生活化和有趣的体验令我很深刻地认识这方向。很有趣和兴奋的两天workshop.” ~Lydia Yuen
“透过这课程,我懂得如何提升及协助孩子、自身或其他界别人士的身体及脑部发展。RMT 运动与理论结合更能清楚身体的需要。RMT 是一种透过原始反射运动,协助身体发展的东西。我希望未来RMT 渐流行,家长能在家中帮助孩子,让他们发展得更好。讲者feel so nice, 轻松,令学习更愉快。” ~ Wong Wing Yi
“Positive changes I noticed in myself during this course are some reflexes are still active and possible movements that can help. Parts of the course that helped me learn about different reflexes can affect the performance of an individual and activities that can be done which provide opportunities to try the movement. I will tell others about the movements can help to develop balance, tactile, vestibular. ” ~ Priscilla
“Positive changes I noticed in myself during this course is be more aware about the uncoordinated body movement. I can learn some exercise to deal with it. Parts of the that helped me learn were the practicing of movements together. I will tell others about the rationale of RMT and how it can work with people in needs. It is great that the instructor demonstrated the correct exercise for us to learn ” ~ Anonymous
“RMT helped me to notice my eye signt needs more stimulation. Parts of the course that helped me learn were there have been problems inside, but I have not realized. Now I know how to help myself to fix the problems. I will tell others that RMT helps you to explore the primitive problems that you have not realized.” ~ Anonymous
“Positive changes I noticed in myself during this course are I felt more relax and could have deep breath after during the ribcage exercise. I will tell others about this couse is useful and effective.” ~Anonymous
“Positive changes I noticed in myself during this course is more understand our body related to reflex. Parts of the course that helped me learn were the problem of learning, behavior and develoment have caused/related to
the reflexes. I have a clear understanding about RMT. I have interest to have further and deeper understanding. I will tell others about this course how to understand more about our body and improve our ability. My feedback for the instructor is she is clear in teaching, nice, easy to approach.” ~Anonymous