Moira Dempsey

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Moira Dempsey has taught RMT since 2005, and been interested in and studying various primitive reflexes integration programmes since 1997. She is also a Brain Gym® and Touch for Health® instructor and has studied various forms of kinesiology since 1991

Since 1997, she has taught Brain Gym®, Touch For Health® and Rhythmic Movement Training™  in over 20 countries in Australasia, North and South America, Europe, Asia and Africa and is an demand worldwide as a dynamic and experienced RMT instructor

As founder of RMTi, she has an extensive and sound knowledge of the role primitive reflexes play in laying the foundations of later learning and emotional behavioural development. Not only does she teach RMT around the world, she is also responsible for mentoring and training many RMT instructors worldwide.

Moira received an Outstanding Achievement Awards from the Educational Kinesiology Foundation/Brain Gym International in 2000 and 2005 and a special award in 2012 for her years of service after having been on the Board from 2003 to 2012. In 2009 she received a Humanitarian Award from the Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) for her work in Asia after the 2004 tsunami. She was a member of the Brain Gym International Board of Directors from 2003 to 2013.

She is a co-author (with Harold Blomberg M.D.) of the book Movements that Heal published in 2011.