Marie-Hélène Hueber


Marie-Helene Hueber


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I grow up in the South-West of France and migrated to Nice, in the South-East of France to study nursing.  I worked in a hospital in Nice, caring for cancer patients until the time I followed my husband to South-East Asia.  In the following years my attention turned to my family.  Being away from home and the support of my family, I wanted to learn more about education and parenting.  I took credit courses in psychology and obtained a degree in Montessori Early Childhood Education.  As English became my second language, I also attended a course to teach English as a second language.  Always interested in healing as well, I took courses in Pranic healing and Reiki and practiced yoga and meditation. Then I was first introduced to Brain Gym 101 in 1998.  I immediately appreciated how the Brain Gym movements and balance process would support me as a parent.

As my interest in the Educational Kinesiology further grew over the years, I continued taking more courses to keep abreast of different methods. I became a Brain Gym 101 instructor in 2003 and a Touch for Health instructor in 2013. I am a lifelong learner and I enjoy working with children and adults and sharing my experience teaching