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On 3 October 2017, Breakthru Academy had a chance to demonstrate the effectiveness of Spinal Walking on learning behaviors to YB Dato' Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development during the launch of the National Counseling Month.
Free Public Parenting Talk by Breakthru Academy on 20 May 2017
今天我们被邀请到SK Taman Midah 2 举办一个对称涂鸦的活动。它是一间有特殊儿童和普通孩子的小学。我们举行这项项目就是为了帮助那些特殊儿童,帮他们突破自我。
Phoebe Long spoke about P.LA.Y To Breakthrough to a group of some 40 parents who had turned up at Full Gospel Assembly (FGA) on a Saturday morning. At the talk, she gave credit to a teenager named Max who enlarged her experience of working with children with special needs and that he was the catalyst to her own breakthrough and of how her work, P.L.A.Y TO BREAKTHROUGH came about.
The children and teenagers of Breakthru Enrichment Station tapped danced and brought music into the hearts of the audience at the International Understanding Day, an annual event of Rotaract club, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
On the 29th March, Ms Ngiam Lian Ai was invited to conduct a session in SK Taman Midah 2, Cheras for their Minggu Pendidikan Khas SKTM2. It is an honour for Breakthru Academy to conduct a knowledge workshop for the special need children of one of the primary school in Kuala Lumpur.
On 3 October 2017, Breakthru Academy had a chance to demonstrate the effectiveness of Spinal Walking on learning behaviors to YB Dato' Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development during the launch of the National Counseling Month.
Free Public Parenting Talk by Breakthru Academy on 20 May 2017
今天我们被邀请到SK Taman Midah 2 举办一个对称涂鸦的活动。它是一间有特殊儿童和普通孩子的小学。我们举行这项项目就是为了帮助那些特殊儿童,帮他们突破自我。
Phoebe Long spoke about P.LA.Y To Breakthrough to a group of some 40 parents who had turned up at Full Gospel Assembly (FGA) on a Saturday morning. At the talk, she gave credit to a teenager named Max who enlarged her experience of working with children with special needs and that he was the catalyst to her own breakthrough and of how her work, P.L.A.Y TO BREAKTHROUGH came about.
The children and teenagers of Breakthru Enrichment Station tapped danced and brought music into the hearts of the audience at the International Understanding Day, an annual event of Rotaract club, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
On the 29th March, Ms Ngiam Lian Ai was invited to conduct a session in SK Taman Midah 2, Cheras for their Minggu Pendidikan Khas SKTM2. It is an honour for Breakthru Academy to conduct a knowledge workshop for the special need children of one of the primary school in Kuala Lumpur.
One StopTraining Providerfor SpecializedKinesiology Courses Pleasescroll down Visit OurSpecial NeedsChildren Centre Phoebe LongWelcomes New Visitor Guide MBL International CoursesMovement Based Learning™ More Brain Gym® International CoursesBrain Gym® International More RMTi International CoursesRhythmic Movement Training International™ More Touch for Health IKC CoursesInternational Kinesiology College™ More Essential Oil WorkshopsYoung Living International More What happen when you complete […]
On 3 October 2017, Breakthru Academy had a chance to demonstrate the effectiveness of Spinal Walking on learning behaviors to YB Dato' Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development during the launch of the National Counseling Month.
Free Public Parenting Talk by Breakthru Academy on 20 May 2017
今天我们被邀请到SK Taman Midah 2 举办一个对称涂鸦的活动。它是一间有特殊儿童和普通孩子的小学。我们举行这项项目就是为了帮助那些特殊儿童,帮他们突破自我。
Phoebe Long spoke about P.LA.Y To Breakthrough to a group of some 40 parents who had turned up at Full Gospel Assembly (FGA) on a Saturday morning. At the talk, she gave credit to a teenager named Max who enlarged her experience of working with children with special needs and that he was the catalyst to her own breakthrough and of how her work, P.L.A.Y TO BREAKTHROUGH came about.
The children and teenagers of Breakthru Enrichment Station tapped danced and brought music into the hearts of the audience at the International Understanding Day, an annual event of Rotaract club, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
On the 29th March, Ms Ngiam Lian Ai was invited to conduct a session in SK Taman Midah 2, Cheras for their Minggu Pendidikan Khas SKTM2. It is an honour for Breakthru Academy to conduct a knowledge workshop for the special need children of one of the primary school in Kuala Lumpur.
It was an important day for Shew Mee Lai and Koh Li Li, both newly minted Movement Based Learning (MBL) instructors, as they prepared to teach the course to a group of parents who have children with learning challenges, under the watchful eyes of their mentor, Foo Wan Ching, a certified MBL instructor from Breakthru Academy.