Welcome to
Breakthru Academy
Regional Academy for Educational Kinesiology Trainings,
and Strategic Parents Coaching Programs for Children who Learns Differently.

Our Mission

Growing Specialist,
Balancing Families

Professionals and therapists play a key role in assessing, diagnosing, assisting and developing a child's learning ability and brain developments. As more and more research and methods are developed worldwide, B.E.ST Academy's mission is to bring such skills to professionals to help them to continuously upgrade themselves. Parents and professionals that supports people with all abilities will find many of these courses greatly useful and accepted worldwide.

Key Focus

Movement Based Learning™

Brain Gym® International

Rhythmic Movement Training International™

International Kinesiology College™

Brain Gym for Special Needs Providers

P.L.A.Y. Strategy and Breakthru Approach

Young Living International

Jump-starting Edu-K Professionals

Recent Happenings

Minister Experiencing MBL

On 3 October 2017, Breakthru Academy had a chance to demonstrate the effectiveness of Spinal Walking on learning behaviors to YB Dato' Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development during the launch of the National Counseling Month.

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Free Public Talk in conjunction with BEST Cafe.

Free Public Parenting Talk by Breakthru Academy on 20 May 2017

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Breakthru Academy 特别活动:到访 SK Taman Midah 2

今天我们被邀请到SK Taman Midah 2 举办一个对称涂鸦的活动。它是一间有特殊儿童和普通孩子的小学。我们举行这项项目就是为了帮助那些特殊儿童,帮他们突破自我。

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Sharing "P.L.A.Y to Breakthrough" with Parents at Full Gospel Assembly (FGA)

Phoebe Long spoke about P.LA.Y To Breakthrough to a group of some 40 parents who had turned up at Full Gospel Assembly (FGA) on a Saturday morning. At the talk, she gave credit to a teenager named Max who enlarged her experience of working with children with special needs and that he was the catalyst to her own breakthrough and of how her work, P.L.A.Y TO BREAKTHROUGH came about.

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A Night of Fun at The University Nottingham Malaysia Campus

The children and teenagers of Breakthru Enrichment Station tapped danced and brought music into the hearts of the audience at the International Understanding Day, an annual event of Rotaract club, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.

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Minggu Pendidikan Khas SK Taman Midah 2

On the 29th March, Ms Ngiam Lian Ai was invited to conduct a session in SK Taman Midah 2, Cheras for their Minggu Pendidikan Khas SKTM2. It is an honour for Breakthru Academy to conduct a knowledge workshop for the special need children of one of the primary school in Kuala Lumpur.

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Does Young Living Essential Oil "Thieves" kill germs?

Internet Share For New Visitor PAGE TOUR WelcomeHighlightsMissionKey FocusRecentFor EveryoneTestimoniesFor Post GradsEntry LevelsFor Special NeedLearn MoreParentsCoaching ProgramAddress Welcome toBreakthru AcademyRegional Academy for Educational Kinesiology Trainings, and Strategic Parents Coaching Programs for Children who Learns Differently. Highlights RMT For School Readiness By: Foo Wan ChingMark your dates! Brain Gym 201 Optimal Brain Organization By: Phoebe Long […]

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Minister Experiencing MBL

On 3 October 2017, Breakthru Academy had a chance to demonstrate the effectiveness of Spinal Walking on learning behaviors to YB Dato' Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development during the launch of the National Counseling Month.

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Free Public Talk in conjunction with BEST Cafe.

Free Public Parenting Talk by Breakthru Academy on 20 May 2017

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Breakthru Academy 特别活动:到访 SK Taman Midah 2

今天我们被邀请到SK Taman Midah 2 举办一个对称涂鸦的活动。它是一间有特殊儿童和普通孩子的小学。我们举行这项项目就是为了帮助那些特殊儿童,帮他们突破自我。

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Sharing "P.L.A.Y to Breakthrough" with Parents at Full Gospel Assembly (FGA)

Phoebe Long spoke about P.LA.Y To Breakthrough to a group of some 40 parents who had turned up at Full Gospel Assembly (FGA) on a Saturday morning. At the talk, she gave credit to a teenager named Max who enlarged her experience of working with children with special needs and that he was the catalyst to her own breakthrough and of how her work, P.L.A.Y TO BREAKTHROUGH came about.

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A Night of Fun at The University Nottingham Malaysia Campus

The children and teenagers of Breakthru Enrichment Station tapped danced and brought music into the hearts of the audience at the International Understanding Day, an annual event of Rotaract club, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.

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Minggu Pendidikan Khas SK Taman Midah 2

On the 29th March, Ms Ngiam Lian Ai was invited to conduct a session in SK Taman Midah 2, Cheras for their Minggu Pendidikan Khas SKTM2. It is an honour for Breakthru Academy to conduct a knowledge workshop for the special need children of one of the primary school in Kuala Lumpur.

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A day at a Movement Based Learning Course

It was an important day for Shew Mee Lai and Koh Li Li, both newly minted Movement Based Learning (MBL) instructors, as they prepared to teach the course to a group of parents who have children with learning challenges, under the watchful eyes of their mentor, Foo Wan Ching, a certified MBL instructor from Breakthru Academy.

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International Certified Courses for Adults and Professionals for daily living and Continuous Professional Developement
We conduct Educational Kinesiology courses for Brain Gym® Instructorship, Brain Gym® 101, Vision Circle, Optimal Brain Organization, Double Doodle Instructorship, Edu-K In Depth, Teacher's Practicum, Brain Gym® 170 for Special Needs Providers, Rhythmic Movement Training™ (RMTi) Providers and Instructorship, Movement Based Training™ (MBL) Instructorship, Touch for Health™ Synthesis Class and more.

Participants Sharing Their Experiences

Positive changes I noticed in myself during this course (Brain Gym 170) was I realized my past and there is something to change now. After this course I learn that I need to improve my own emotional before I can help others to calm down their emotional. This course could help us not only help for special need children. It also helps for controlling the emotional and improves the brain system. – Suzanne Goh Siau Wui

Brain Gym® 170 For Special Needs Providers

通过RMT 的课程,学到刺激脑干、小脑、基底神经的发展。从而透过这些动作,改善专注力和减少过动和冲动行为。透过学习各种的Reflexes ,各种的原始反射动作, 对人自然的反应及补偿行为的知识。我想告诉他人整个RMT的课程对幼儿有帮助外,也对不同的人也有帮助,令其整个人也能专注地学习及透过不同的动作,唤醒自己的脑皮层。本人更想学习多些动作来帮助调节肌张力,刺激大脑部分的连接,提升自己和幼儿失衡的问题。”~ Cheung Yuk Tsui

Rhythmic Movement Training Integrating Primitive Reflexes

The methods of teaching by instructor are easily to understand and explain several times when the participants have the question or difficulties. From this course, I know what Touch for Health (TFH) and how to do the muscle checking and notice which muscle is related with particular meridian. Touch for Health, Level 1 (TFH1) will be used when I meet difficulty or feel tension. It helps me to relax. – Chong Zhi Jen

Touch For Health Balancing Your Energy Within

The course (Brain Gym 101) is very flexible with participant’s need. It is straight forward and easy to understand even though it’s actually quite a lot to be understand. The positive changes I noticed in myself during the course are I more understand the Brain Gym activities and the activities does help me to feel more relax and more aware myself. Brain Gym is a technique that may help with our daily activities through simple movement. – Norhayati

Brain Gym® 101 Balance for Daily LIving
You can complement and upgrade your skill-sets in addition to your graduate studies.
If your degree is related to Occupational Therapy, or Physiology Therapy, some of these topics are actually tough in your syllabus. Learn the in-depth knowledge and application of these methodologies with these courses and help yourselves to go further. Graduates who studies in Early Childhood education, Special Needs Education will benefit tremendously with these techniques. Students of Psychology and Counselling will also find these subjects relevant and helpful to themselves and their clients.

Select Your Entry Level

We have specially chosen a list of classes that requires no pre-requisites and safe to begin with at below:

Movement Based Learning™

Entry level classes for Movement Based Learning that does not require any pre-requisites.

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Brain Gym International®

Entry level classes including BG101, Doudble Doodle, Vision Circle etc you may begin with.

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Rhythmic Movement Training International™

Entry level classes for Rhythmic Movement Training and School Readiness for anyone interested.

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International Kinesiology College

Entry level classes for Touch for Health anyone can join. There are English and Mandarin classes available.

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Effective programs that addresses the foundational pieces of learning so that all children (including those who have special needs) can learn how to learn.
Parent of a child with special needs undoubtedly have bigger challenges than they ever thought possible to overcome. If you are involve in providing care to your child as a parent, a care giver or a therapist, whether you're raising a child with various physical, developmental or emotional challenges, we hope you will find these classes and techniques very helpful and practical. Based on natural, normal human development movements, these activities and methods are directly applicable and useable, and are safe, easy and enjoyable.

Breakthru Enrichment Station

Centre for Children Who Learns Differently

Life Application

All facilitators at Breakthru Enrihcment Station are trained to apply Movement Based Learning techniques.

Breakthru Enrichment Station started in January 2010 and provides breakthrough support through plenty of experiential play, interaction and relationship with our special needs children. Their programs are carefully planned for these children who encounter learning difficulty or behavioural problems ranging from integration sensory problem, ADHD, Autistic, Down syndrome, Dyspraxia to Dyslexia. Using their in-house unique program Personalized Educational Abilities and Re-patterning Learning (P.E.A.R.L.) system and based primarily on Educational Kinesiology approach, especially movement based learning, the aim is to prepare these children for learning, self-independance skills and eventually mainstream education.

When learning involves the whole brain, we become active, self-motivated learners, able to take risks, explore new territory, and enjoy the peaks and valleys of the adventure at any age and under any circumstance.Cecilia Koester, M.Ed., founder of Movement Based Learning

Up-bringing a special need child is a life long journey that requires unusual dedication, patience and efforts. Knowing the right, relax and meaningful ways to support and develop your child is important.

This program has been specially developed for parents with children who learn differently or have special needs. The program brings together three areas of methodologies that can aid and empower parents in their journey with their children, namely P.L.A.Y. Strategies, Brain Gym for Special Needs Providers and Rhythmic Movement Training for School Readiness.

Belief in the power of time, Belief in lessons learned from the children, Belief in the power of influence and deep caring for those who receive it.Phoebe Long MW, founder of Breakthru Approach

In this program, you’ll learn how to rekindle playful yet meaningful approach to meet your child’s/teenager’s/client’s current challenges. You will have a glimpse of his/her brain integration process, simple and effective techniques in restoring the missing link throughout the developmental milestone and ways to re-pattern / rewire the brain to penetrate difficult and challenging behaviour and attitude.

Parents Coaching Program

Believe in the power of timeliness.
Belief in lessons learned from the children.
Belief in the power of influence.
Deep caring for those who receive it.
Consultation by Professionals
Workshops - BG for Special Needs Providers, RMT for School Readiness
Coaching - P.L.A.Y. Strategies sessions
Group Discussions
Demonstration - 1 to 1 Session with Child
P.L.A.Y Strategies is an tried and true framework for practical application of skill sets acquired in Brain Gym / RMT workshops. Learn how to notice and make life changing changes in a fun and relaxed way.
A one to one session with your child providing a live demonstration on the practical skills.

Breakthru Academy is located at Setapak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.