Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y.

The Breakthru Approach with 3P.L.A.Y. is a framework that aims to achieve positive growth result in handling high-challenge situations. Developed through more than 10 years of working with children and specially-abled people, this strategical approach seek first to remove the stress for the PARENTS, TEACHERS and CARE-GIVERS as well as the child thus paving way for true growth to occur.

Parents Coaching Program

  • Believe in the power of timeliness.
  • Belief in lessons learned from the children.
  • Belief in the power of influence.
  • Deep caring for those who receive it.

Part 1 - Individual Consultation

Part 2 - Attend 3 Workshops

Part 3 - Parent Group Discussions

Part 4 - Demonstration - 1 to 1 Session with A Child

3P.L.A.Y Strategy is an tried and true framework for practical application of skill sets acquired in Brain Gym / RMT workshops. Learn how to notice and make life changing changes in a fun and relaxed way.
A one to one session with your child providing a live demonstration on the practical skills.

Learn 3P.L.A.Y.

Up-bringing a special need child is a life long journey that requires unusual dedication, patience and efforts. Knowing the right, relax and meaningful ways to support and develop your child is important.

This program has been specially developed for parents with children who learn differently or have special needs. In this program, you will learn the pricinple of BREAKTHRU APPROACH and the techniques to work with your child call 3P.L.A.Y.

3P.L.A.Y.'s function is to empower parents with simple yet effective framework to build good relationship with their child and to turn any challenging incidents into new learning opportunities for their child.

In this program, you’ll learn how to rekindle playful yet meaningful approach to meet your child’s/teenager’s/client’s current challenges. You will have a glimpse of his/her brain integration process, simple and effective techniques in restoring the missing link throughout the developmental milestone and ways to re-pattern / rewire the brain to penetrate difficult and challenging behaviour and attitude.

Brain Gym and Rhythmic Movement Training techniques are used in 3P.L.A.Y process. You will get to attend the full "Brain Gym for Special Needs Provider" certification workshop and "RMT for School Readiness" certification workshop in this program.

Belief in the power of time, Belief in lessons learned from the children, Belief in the power of influence and deep caring for those who receive it.Phoebe Long MW, founder of Breakthru Approach