New to Educational Kinesiology Studies?

You can complement and upgrade your skill-sets in addition to your graduate studies.

If your degree is related to Occupational Therapy, or Physiology Therapy, some of these topics are actually tough in your syllabus. Learn the in-depth knowledge and application of these methodologies and help yourselves progress in your current career.

Graduates who studies in Early Childhood education, Special Needs Education will find these techniques relevant and greatly useful, and allowing them to understand and manage their classroom effectively.

Students of Psychology and Counselling will also find these subjects brings a new level of communication with their clients and compliments their techniques well.

You may contact our office if you need further details.

Select Your Entry Level

We have specially chosen a list of classes that requires no pre-requisites and safe to begin with at below:

Movement Based Learning™

Entry level classes for Movement Based Learning that does not require any pre-requisites.

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Brain Gym International®

Entry level classes including BG101, Doudble Doodle, Vision Circle etc you may begin with.

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Rhythmic Movement Training International™

Entry level classes for Rhythmic Movement Training and School Readiness for anyone interested.

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International Kinesiology College

Entry level classes for Touch for Health anyone can join. There are English and Mandarin classes available.

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