Christina Garay-Lohry

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Christina Garay-Lohry weaves together training and experience from a CGL Masters in Education and Dance Therapy, M.Ed in education, a Certified Arts Integrated specialist, A+ Fellow, Brain Gym Instructor, Director of Gold Mountain Creative Arts and Education and thirty years teaching children. She trains teachers in arts integration and curriculum development, and presents workshops nationally.

She is a fellow with NC State A+ School program (Arts Integration) and was named the North Carolina A+ Teacher of the Year in 2012. She presently teaches dance at an A+ school, integrating math, literacy, science and social studies into her movement.

Christina G. Lohry was named the 2012 Gerry D. Howell A+ Educator of the Year on Thursday, May 3. She is a dance educator at Benton Heights Elementary School of the Arts, an A + School, where she has taught for the last five years.

“I have never stopped standing on my head, skipping down the street or singing to the stars. The arts are a part of me,” stated Ms. Lohry in her personal essay. “A child’s first doorway to learning is the body, followed by the realm of imagination and relationships. By mirroring the child’s inner world, the arts are an obvious way to nurture a child’s intellect, heart and body.” Her core values include: