Academy as an Educational Kinesiology Hub for Professional Growth


Invitation of trainers and participants

Qualified instructors are invited to teach and train at academy

Harnessing the power of internet networking and introduction to our courses

Maintaining a database of potential participants and make personal invitation

Academy as Educational Kinesiology Hub for Professional Growth

Platform for Professional Growth

Jumpstart new instructors with special arrangements.

Supporting families that have financial constrains by sponsoring classes

Developing a program that interest the youth to learn about Edu-K

Building Infrasturcture

Equipping the physical and administration

Equipping with teaching facilities and setting up a conducive place for training

Building online listing, registration and payment website. Also include online publicity and facebook presence for all our classes.

Equip with competent staff to manage registration and accounting.

Flyer preparation, distribution, advertising subscription and social media presense

Translation and making publications available easily and locally.

Setting up international banking and online/credit card payment services.